21 Jun 2016

Black and shirts?

T-shirts have always been my forte even we're in 2k16. The amounts of my shirts in wardrobe are uncountable. 

My mom bought couples of them. 

I rock da best with t-shirts especially black. I'm not like other people, it doesn't look gloomy on me. Pft.

15 Jun 2016

Got7 Trash.

Last month I bought an E-Pop magazine which was kinda rare for me because I don't really read magazine as much as I read Gempakstarz and that was few years ago.

I stumbled across one small supermarket that sells everything. My eyes got hooked with the front cover of E-Pop magazine especially when Got7 da bomb.

'Flight Log: Departure' was their latest album.
I can't exactly remember what issue they got featured in.

I bought it because Got7 is my ultimate group tbh. 

Ayus kept harassing me with her sarcasm lately.

"Kita tahu kaklong beli buku ni sebab bukan nak baca," she stopped her words.

14 Jun 2016

Oat crumbs.

My mother is a freaking genius.

She's the person who had the idea of using the very old oat crumbs as a substitute for bread crumbs. As our Quaker Oats have been sitting for a while in our cup board I think she was trying to get rid of it wisely since our family members does not fan of it.

Eat healthily.

Actually I liked the outcome, oat known the best for its absorption therefore you can barely taste the oil.

13 Jun 2016


To be honest since the last time I stepped my foot at KPTM, I've been super procrastinating with everything I do. I don't actually know what to do after my diploma. Should I pursue my studies? Well I've been longing to study with friends at the last minute for final exams. I'd appreciate it if I got chance.

My ramadhan are kinda fantastic. Idk why but we barely eating rice with side dishes. I mean, we only had this specific type of dish.

Nasi lemak.
Nasi ayam.

I had Hot Yee Mee Sizzling for iftar 2 days ago. Yeah we kinda went out a lot.

9 Feb 2016

Jom Free Market 2016!


Phew, sebulan aku tak update. Ni semua gara-gara internship. Bangun pagi, pi kerja, balik, sambung buat kerja. Begitulah seterusnya rutin hidupan harianku. Aku yang dulu di mana tak tidur malam-malam buta baca manga, tengok anime jadi tidur awal sejak practical. Banyak sangat bende boleh cerita sebenarnye tapi nak ikutkan banyak lagi cerita pasal kerja aku boleh cerita wakakaka. Ye mak cik limau busy.

Sebelum menjelang Chinese New Year haritu, ingat nak set dalam otak yang last day kerja tu boleh lah rilek-rilek rupenye tu hanya angan-angan semata-mata. Tetibe datang seorang sis yang nak tempah banner and poster and shirt untuk event dia. And aku tak tau lah aku ni dah terlampau lame hidup dalam gua ke ape sampai tak follow event charity yang berlaku kat Malaysia ni. Apa yang penting aku memang tak tau mende alah Free Market ni tau-tau die datang suh design and then suruh siapkan poster and banner sebelum pukul sekian sekian.

Inilah banner (12ft x 4ft) yang aku cakapkan tu. Maksud aku pukul sekian sekian adalah bile die habis diskusi dengan aku dalam pukul 1 pm and then die nak tengok design dalam pukul 5 pm. Time tu aku terpaksa hold design orang lain sebab nak settlekan design dia je. Banner and posters ye anak-anak, 3 bende. 


Apa yang aku boleh summarizekan pasal event ni;
  • Ambik je apa-apa barang.
  • But make sure you ask them nicely.
  • And of course don't be so pushy.
  • They welcomed you kalau nak derma barang-barang baru ke pre-loved, etc.

Event ni hanya terbuka kepada students/staffs from UiTM Terengganu sahaja. Sape students sana raise your hands up! Jangan lupa datang! :DD