29 May 2014



Everyone here already went to bed and sleepin' beautifully. My my they look gorgeous and fabulous.

Anywayyyy final exam is already over and that's the good news. The bad news is my brownish hair turns out to be greyish. Am wishing for it to fade away soon. I iz old naw. T_T

Kinda worry about myself, this is no kidding. I usually can handle the headache but now I can't anymore. I wonder if this illness has surpassed my limit because my brain and body can't function very well. Apparently they're getting weak day by day.

"I guess I'll be rely on medicine for forever to keep on living." 

Never mind, the least thang to do is to smile everyday to cover up the pain so people won't notice. [=


13 May 2014


"Beautiful music whispering to our ears, seeping inside our bodies as if they could understand our pain..."

I was wondering why this beautiful creature called 'melody' wasn't meant to be created as ourselves. If only we could express our mingled feelings throughout the beautiful melody, violence wouldn't have been happened. 

Honestly, I'm seeking for happiness in this world.
Honestly, I see humans.. but no faith.

Melody controls our bodies and mind, expressing our rage of explosions and the received ones cries beautifully; as they're enjoying this childish life.

Wouldn't that beautiful? At least I wouldn't have to dirt my vision to see something horrible. Being replaced with something called life.

Sick of crying, to see the pain that humans are going through.